Welcome to EcoTater starch

Transforming potato waste water into sustainable starch solutions.

Our mission

Our mission is to sustainably extract high-quality starch from potato wastewater, reducing waste and environmental impact. By offering a local alternative to imported starch, we support eco-friendly practices and boost local economies, driving a greener and more prosperous future..


We envision a future where the potato processing industry is transformed into a beacon of sustainability, where waste becomes a valuable resource. We strive to lead this transformation by revolutionizing starch extraction from potato processing wastewater, fostering sustainability, and driving economic growth through innovation and collaboration.

Explore Our Product

Product Applications:

  1. 1:coatings and sizing
  2. 2:Textile finishing and printing
  3. 3:Adhesives and binders
  4. 4:Food and beverages (baking, confectionery, etc.)
  5. 5:Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics


  1. 1:Sustainable and eco-friendly production process
  2. 2:High-quality starch with excellent viscosity, clarity, and stability.
  3. 3:Suitable for various industries: paper, textiles, adhesives, food, and more.
  4. 4: Consistent quality and performance.

Watch our Experiment

It presents the clear evidence of our work

Frequnetly asked questions

What makes EcoTater Starch a sustainable choice?

EcoTater Starch is made from potato wastewater, reducing waste and the environmental impact of traditional starch production methods.

Our process also uses less water and energy, making it a more eco-friendly option.

How does EcoTater Starch compare to traditional starches in terms of quality?

EcoTater Starch meets or exceeds industry standards for starch quality, with high viscosity, clarity, and stability. Our unique production process ensures consistent quality and performance in various applications.

Can EcoTater Starch be used in food products?

Yes, EcoTater Starch is suitable for food applications, including baking, confectionery, and beverages. It also uses in textile industry.

Our starch is non-GMO, gluten-free, and hypoallergenic, making it an excellent choice for food manufacturers looking for a sustainable and high-quality starch solution.


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BIC University of gujrat

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